Functional Foods and How They Help You

Having gained a lot of popularity (especially with the millennials) in recent times, it left a lot of us asking a common question – “What is Functional Food and what is its function?!”
What is Functional Food?
Also called Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods can be defined as foods that are fortified with nutrients, offering health benefits beyond the basic nutrition. The concept of functional foods originated in Japan in the 1980s when the government started looking for foods with proven benefits, in a bid to better the health of the general population.
Functional Foods are fortified with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, or fiber, and are nutrient-rich. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains can be considered functional foods. Highly nutritious and with a number of powerful health benefits, functional foods protect against diseases, prevent nutrient deficiencies and also promote growth and development.
Rising Importance of Functional Foods
Missed breakfast is one of the most common phenomena in the life of a working professional. Skipped meals, on-the-go munches on junks, etc. are habits which every millennial is guilty of. Funny thing is they are even aware of the harm that these habits are doing to their bodies, yet are helpless. Maybe owing to dearth of time, or out of sheer laziness. Various lifestyle diseases have crept in courtesy such erratic eating patterns. Now you’ll find the millennials exploring options that would step in to take care of the basic nutrition needs. Consequently, the demand for functional foods soared. For millennials with an evolved outlook, food isn’t an option to just satiate hunger. It is also a way to up the immunity level, get rid of toxins, and also increase overall strength. In other words, a food option that’s an all-in-one.
Easily Available Functional Food
Superfoods like Amla, Aloe Vera, Wheatgrass, Moringa, Turmeric, Tulsi and Giloy are the ideal functional foods to integrate in your diet. Vegan nutrition powders, gourmet commodities like desi ghee and raw honey – these food choices not only serve as preventive healthcare options minimizing risk of diseases, but also uplift overall wellness. Kapiva as a brand specializes in Functional Foods. Detox foods, immunity-boosting foods, or the ones which promote hair and skin health – the brand caters to one and all.
Kapiva Functional Foods
Wheatgrass Juice is the ultimate detoxifier. The Vegan Protein from Kapiva comes in a chocolate flavour; it’s not only a plant-based strength-builder but is also delicious. The Amla Juice, Aloe + Moringa Juice, Tulsi Giloy Juice and Aloe + Turmeric Juice, among many others, are for the upkeep of your immune system and overall wellness.
Functional Foods ensure a healthy digestive system, bones, muscles, eyes, etc. Count on the goodness of rare natural ingredients like Garcinia, Karela, Jamun, Noni, to name a few. Ditch the burgers and fries; make way for rolled oats, nutrition powder, dietary fibres, nutrient fortified cold-pressed juices, oils, and salads. When your eating habits witness a sea-change, you’ll be able to fully reap the benefits of functional foods.