How Is Wild Honey Better Than Cultured Honey?

Did you know that you’ve probably never tasted real, genuine honey? Since most commercial settings only purvey refined, processed honey, most of us remain unknown of the second, more natural type of honey, the wild honey!
What is Wild Honey?
A fundamental difference between wild honey and the usual cultured honey is that wild honey comes to your table directly from wild beehives and wildflowers. In contrast, cultured honey undergoes a refining process before being bottled.
Let us walk you through the process. Once the beekeeper extracts the honey from wild beehives or bee boxes, it is filtered to discard propels, honeycomb pieces, bee pollen, and tiny bee wing fragments. Thus, you are served the purest, cleanest, best quality wild honey that is denser in consistency and richer in taste.
What are the Benefits of Wild Honey?
Wild Honey embodies several medicinal and nutritional values that are otherwise lost due to the pasteurization process of cultured honey. Let’s have a look at some wild honey benefits:
…Bee-cause Pollen is Important
You can find bee pollen in the best wild jars of honey in India. Some may confuse the pollen as debris in the honey, but as a matter of fact, bee pollen is an excellent health booster since it includes antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
Antioxidants present in wild honey protect the human cell from the damaging effect caused by free radicals, thereby shielding the body against cancer, heart stroke, and other health concerns that come with aging.
Bee pollen also embodies pain-relieving and antibacterial properties. These medicinal properties help the body heal through cuts and wounds and make faster recoveries through various illnesses.
Propolis That’s Bee-yond Fantastic
Bee propolis is the sticky gum released by the bees to strengthen the structure of the hive. It helps to keep the hive from breaking even in the harshest weather conditions. However, propolis isn’t just an advantage for the bees.
As per a review published by the US National Library of Medicine, propolis, the glue-like substance has multiple “health benefits related to gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, and gynecological, oral, and dermatological problems.”
The sticky substance also contains Vitamins B, C, and E, Potassium, Magnesium, and enzymes that are beneficial for good health.
The taste of Genuine Honey
Several studies suggest that the process of pasteurization affects the genuine taste and properties of honey. While honey is processed and refined to increase its shelf-life and enhance the texture, its medicinal values like amino acids and antioxidants are lost due to exposure to high temperatures and chemical processes.
Wild honey retains the natural properties of honey while also preserving its genuine taste and goodness, thereby making it a better health booster than cultured honey.
Is Wild Honey Safe to Consume?
Since we filter wild honey to remove all impurities, it neither shows any side effects nor does it hamper health in any underlying manner. However, if you’re allergic to pollen, wild honey may not be a suitable choice. Furthermore, since wild honey is denser and heavy in texture, its consumption is avoidable for kids under a year old to prevent infant botulism.
To ensure the authenticity or credibility of a jar of wild honey, you can read and compare the contents of the product before making a purchase.
Where Can You Find Wild Honey?
The best wild honey in India is nestled in the northern foothills of the Himalayas, the Nilgiris, and the woodlands of Sunderban. Since wild honey is tough to find in commercial markets, general stores, and supermalls, you can easily find a delicious jar of wild honey online in India. You could also visit small-scale farmers’ markets to find pure honey.
As wild honey is essentially raw in taste and doesn’t get pasteurized, it retains the natural taste; thus, every batch and brand has a different taste of Wild honey. The taste depends on the kind of flowers the bees consume for nectar which keeps changing as per seasons.
You can find several varieties of honey, based on their origin, like golden blossom, eucalyptus, tupelo, and alfalfa, to name a few.
Thus, honey-tasting is always an intriguing adventure because every jar can surprise your tastebud and excite your sweet tooth.
What Can a Spoonful of Wild Honey Do For You Every Day?
As per Medical News Today, a tablespoon or 21 grams of wild honey contains approximately 64 calories and 16 grams of sugar. It is important to note that this composition may vary across brands and batches. However, a line of similarity can be drawn across all kinds of wild honey since they consist of the same basic health-boosting values.
- The fructose content of wild honey can help you curb diabetes and maintain better cholesterol levels.
- If you observe a sugar-restricted diet, you can consume wild honey in moderation to prevent drastic changes in sugar levels.
- A spoonful of wild honey is a natural remedy for food poisoning, skin infection, ulcers, and gastritis.
- A tablespoon of wild honey mixed with milk is a traditional fix for coughs and throat irritants.
- By starting your day with a spoon of tasty wild honey, you can keep diarrhea and indigestion at bay.
- The glucose and fructose in wild honey can give you instant energy. Thus, a honey lemonade can help you fight post-workout fatigues.
- In addition to being an energy booster, wild honey can help combat dehydration and weakness caused by low nutrition intake.
- Since honey contains polyphenols, it is a mood enhancer. A good spread of wild honey on your morning toasts can cheer you up dynamically.
Thus, a spoonful of wild honey is a natural health and immunity booster. It can benefit the human body in more ways than one and have miraculous long-term effects. You can unlock the pink of health by including honey in your routine diet.
Bottom Line
Wild honey can do wonders for your health and is a healthier alternative to cultured or processed honey. In addition to its abundant medicinal values, wild honey is a delicious, nourishing replacement for white sugar since it prevents unhealthy weight gain. It is safe to consume for all ages, one upwards, and has no side effects except pollen allergies.
Whether it’s in a morning cup of tea, a mid-day honey toast, or just a pure tablespoon to kick-start your day, make wild honey a part of your routine diet and steer clear of health concerns like diarrhea, indigestion, sore throats, heart diseases, and cancer. Enjoy the pink of health with wild honey!