What To Eat For Healthy Looking Hair?

For long now, Indians have been known for their long luscious locks. But due to the recent times of pollution, unhealthy living, and hectic schedules all of us are facing many issues for the health of our skin, hair and overall lifestyle.
A very easy way to work towards yourself, is by focusing on your roots, literally. Eating healthy, keeping yourself hydrated and exercising well are the small but effective steps you can take in order to achieve this.
What Should I Eat to Make My Hair Smooth?
For healthy, happy hair – nutrients are very important. What you eat, or drink in a day accounts to how you feel and appear on a daily basis. Many healthy vitamin supplements available in the market can help you achieve smooth and strong hair on the go.
Which Vitamin is Best for Hair?
There is not one but several benefits for healthy hair. Starting with Vitamin A, the Vitamin responsible for hair growth – can be an important factor in supporting your hair care journey. Ofcourse, Vitamin B – also known as Biotin is used widely as a hair-loss supplement. On the other hand, Vitamin C is a powerful and refreshing antioxidant vitamin. Sunlight is the easiest source of Vitamin D and it helps you create new follicles thereby helping your hair become thicker.
What Drink Helps Hair Growth?
There are many healthy juices in the market that can help you with hair growth. Nature has been very kind to us and provided us with everything we need to help take care of ourselves. Some juices that work wonders for your skin are Amla, Aloe Vera and even Neem Juice.
Massaging your hair with Amla Oil can be one of the greatest discoveries for you. Rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids and other good components Amla is known to be a superfood. The same can be said for Aloe Vera, though for different benefits. Aloe Vera fights dandruff, and gets rid of an itchy scalp.
Neem is widely acclaimed for its medical benefits. Despite it’s better taste, Neem is known to be a household staple, when it comes to fighting off diseases, soothing skin and taking care of your hair. The antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of neem can treat hair loss effectively.
Which Oil is Best for Hair Growth?
Coconut oil, hands down, is the best oil to treat your hair. An excellent oil for providing moisture to your hair, Coconut oil can be used in your hair – before and after washing your hair. An extremely versatile hair product, it turns your hair from dry, frizzy and weak to strong, shiny and smooth. It is also used as a protectant for hair against damages. In some studies, coconut oil is known to help hair that is damaged, bleached, and chemically treated. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which makes the oil easy to absorb into your hair shaft.
Foods for Healthy Hair
Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial to help your hair. From the inclusion of fruits to vegetables and even poultry can help grow out your hair. Berries on one hand, a rich source of Vitamin C has strong antioxidant properties. On top of which, Vitamin C helps you absorb iron from your daily diet. Low iron levels are a known factor when it comes to developing conditions like Anemia, which in turn is linked to hair loss.
Spinach, the mighty green leafy vegetable can also be your savior in your hair loss. With beneficial nutrients like folate, iron and Vitamins like Vitamin A and C, Spinach promotes hair growth.The Vitamin A in spinach, helps your produce sebum, an oily substance that is responsible for hair growth.
Nuts and seeds are also a massive source of nourishment when it comes to your hair. With the goodness of Vitamin C and Zinc, seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds and etcetera, are wise additions to your diet. Nuts are also directly linked to many hair benefits and help keep hair loss at bay.
Amla Juice
Having Amla Juice first thing in the morning can go a long way in making your hair better. Adding a teaspoon of honey or lime can help better the taste, all while providing excellent benefits. Not only does it cleanse your hair follicles, fight dandruff but also it improves pigmentation. Thus many times you’ll see natural coloring agents like Henna come packed with Amla. Not to mention, reetha as well as shikakai. It prevents frizz, gets the shine back in your hair and thickens your hair.
Aloe Vera Juice
Loaded to the brim with excellent benefits, Aloe Vera Juice flushes the toxins out of your body, balances your hormones, and is excellent for your skin and hair. It moisturizes your hair thoroughly. Known as a Humectant, Aloe Vera helps lock the moisture strongly in your hair. Whether your hair ranges is oily, brittle, curly or natural, Aloe Vera can save the day. Simply mixing in two tablespoons of your hair oil with Aloe Vera and giving yourself a thorough massage can fix many hair problems at once.
Vitamin C Gummies
Vitamin C gummies are a convenient yet effective way of dealing with hair loss. Pop one or two on the go, everyday and say goodbye to your hair issues. On top of which, it is extremely safe for children.
Biotin Gummies
Biotin gummies are an essential vitamin known to prevent breakage as well as accelerate hair growth. It improves the Keratin function in your hair and helps maintain the length, moisture and texture of your hair. Vitamin H, found in Biotin, helps convert food into energy easily.
Virgin Coconut Oil
Virgin Compressed Coconut Oil helps retain maximum nutrition. Whether it’s the richness in antioxidants, fresh and strong aroma are only some of the million good qualities in this oil. On top of which, Virgin Coconut Oil also helps you strengthen your immune system and support weight management. For eons, people have swore by a good head massage to get rid of your hair issues as well as relieve you from any stress.
Stress is known to be a factor that can cause more harm than good in your life. It can be directly linked to many hair and skin related issues. Many men and women experience active hair loss post traumatic events in their life. Thus, it is crucial to take care of your mental health while taking care of your mind, and body.
Protein For Hair
Protein is an essential part of your diet. Your hair is made up of a protein called Keratin, the loss of this can lead to the loss of your hair. You can easily find many foods in the market that are rich in protein, which can help your hair grow out and remain smooth.
Some of our favorite hair care tips include trying different hair masks to your scalp to fit your needs, eating the right kind of food and replenishing your hair with healthy herbal juices. Something as simple as combing your hair on a daily basis can help circulate your natural oils and make your hair better. Taking care of your hair the natural way is always better than taking the chemical route.