6 Ayurvedic Herbs that Help You Rejuvenate

How to live a youthful life? Rejuvenate with Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic way of life encourages living life to the fullest. It isn’t only about simply adding years but making the most of life with good health. Ayurveda states that if life is lived as per Prakriti (nature), then a natural youthfulness is present throughout your life. Speaking of which, what’s a better gift from nature than that of Ayurvedic herbs? Traditional Ayurvedic herbs are an integral part of the Indian culture to live a healthy, disease-free and youthful life. Here are a few of these rejuvenating herbs that can help you live gracefully.
What are the Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Rejuvenation?
Ashwagandha: Nicknamed as ‘strength of ten horses’, Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that offers many rejuvenating properties. It helps the human body embrace external changes to maintain a healthy internal mood. It aids healthy adrenal functions that alleviate stress and fatigue. Further, it pacifies the nervous system and helps you get a good night’s sleep. This herb also contains immune-boosting properties that promote a healthy life. To make this herb a regular part of your routine, you can consider consuming the Kapiva Ashwagandha Capsules. These 100 % natural capsules combat stress hormones and revitalize the mind. You can consume 1-2 capsules twice a day or follow the recommended dosage as prescribed by the physician. Another interesting modern Ayurvedic drink is Kapiva Ashwagandha Fizz. It is an effervescent powder made from 50mg Ashwagandha extract per serve. Just Pour, Fizz, Cheers to improved mental well-being!
Neem: A power herb, neem contains vital nutrients that help rejuvenate and revitalize the skin. The vitamins and fatty acids aid the elasticity of the skin, decrease wrinkles, and fine lines. Its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, improve liver functions, cardiovascular health, eyesight, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation. You can consider consuming neem in its most palatable form which is the Kapiva Neem Juice. Extracted from the fresh neem leaves of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, this juice is a product of a traditional decoction or ‘kwath’ followed for processing the juice. This juice is free from additives and acts as a natural nourisher for the skin, hair, and body.
Giloy: Also known as Guduchi that defines ‘protector of the body’. Giloy is a wonder herb that aids all three doshas. One of the choicest restorative herbs, giloy reduces toxins and impurities from the body. It aids normal body temperature and reduces excess pitta in the body. Further, it reduces inflammations, helps joints, and purifies the blood. Make this wonder herb a part of your routine by drinking the Kapiva Giloy juice. Our juice is made from the goodness of Neem-grown Giloy, an Ayurvedic climber that organically grows on Neem trees. Hard stems are cut and the green part is retained from them, scrapping away the bark, this helps retain maximum nutrition. You can dilute 4 tbsp of Kapiva Giloy juice in 30ml of water and consume it twice daily before meals.
Amla: Also known as Indian Gooseberry, Amla is a power-house of immunity. It destroys the toxins in the body, strengthens the nervous system, aids digestion, and liver health. Enriched with the goodness of vitamin C, it acts as an antioxidant that curbs the effect of free radicals in the body thereby promoting healthy skin. The Kapiva Amla Juice is a product of amlas from Pratapgarh, UP which is considered the heartland of amlas. This superfruit is cold-pressed to retain maximum nutritional benefits. You can dilute 30ml of Kapiva Amla juice in the same amount of water, add salt/honey/sugar as per liking and consume twice daily before meals.
Ginseng: Myriads of phytochemicals present in ginseng help seek riddance from free radicals. It activates skin metabolism that aids skin health. What’s more? It can also help regulate blood sugar, fight fatigue, improve brain function, and strengthen immunity. Ginseng can be consumed raw or you can lightly steam it to soften it.
Moringa: Filled with an abundance of antioxidants moringa fights the harmful effects of free radicals. This prevents the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, premature ageing, and cell destruction etc. It is also enriched with calcium, protein, amino acids, and iron, which help the body heal and build muscle. Moringa may also help bolster the immune system. The Kapiva Aloe+Moringa juice is a powerful source of two healthy herbs aloe vera and moringa. This herbal juice is made from freshly grown Rajasthani Moringa leaves and pure Aloe Vera. For usage dilute 30ml of Kapiva Aloe+Moringa juice in a glass of water, add salt or honey for taste and consume daily on an empty stomach in the morning.
Bottom Line
Having a portfolio of rejuvenating herbs every day can revitalize you and help you feel youthful. Choose the ones that work best for you and consume them in the recommended dosage. Balance this with a nutritional diet, healthy sleeping habits, and some exercise to make way for a healthful you.
Health benefits of Spirulina
August 27, 2019 at 5:48 pmThanks for sharing the nutrient supplement benefits moringa and spirulina is the best superfood that provides all the essentails vitamins and minerals. It is loaded with vitamins A, B with minerals like calcium, iron, fatty acids and fibers. There are other benefits of spirulina and moringa also and people should know it. thanks for sharing!