Ojas – The Key To a Stronger Immunity

Your immune system is deeply intertwined with your internal and external environments. Believe it or not, your spiritual well-being has a lot to do with your immune system. If you are in mental distress, it shall take a toll on your immune system as well and may weaken your disease resistance capacity.
The fundamental prerequisite for a healthy immune system is the optimal synchronization of life’s three bioenergies, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every person has a unique setting of the three life elements that determine his/her physical and mental state. If you choose a healthy lifestyle, consume a nutritious set of meals every day, and exercise regularly, you shall unfurl good health and mental stability.
What is Ojas?
As per the ayurvedic approach to health, the optimal functioning of the digestive system aids in the creation of Ojas. Ojas is a component that originates at the end of your digestion. It is believed to improve your immune system. A strong ojas has the potential to shield your body against illnesses.
Ojas and the immune system
The finer essence of Doshas in Ayurveda, Ojas, is the sub-component of kapha dosha that is deeply related to the water element of life. It is the living protoplasmic substance that is responsible for strengthening the immunity of every cell and shielding your overall well-being. It comes from the last reproductive tissue of the shukra/atharva and consists of the five basic elements. Ojas passes through your heart and circulates through your body, monitoring the optimal functioning of your health and immune system.
Ojas contain several hormones and thus, it also shoulders the maintenance of your hormonal balance. If the ojas in your body is not flowing properly, you may suffer from a weak immune system. In contrast, if you have a strong Ojas, you are not prone to illnesses.
Frenetic deadlines, a hectic lifestyle, and a lot of stress contribute to weaker ojas. As a result, negative energy circulates the body and creates disharmony amongst the five elements. The unhealthier your mental and physical body is, the lesser is the ojas. Reduced Ojas can raise several health concerns like dehydration, breathlessness, osteoporosis, and cancer. The ayurvedic doshas dictate that if you have healthy eating habits and a stress-free lifestyle, there is no accumulation of toxins and thus, your digestive system works flawlessly, thereby allowing you to lead a healthy life.
Ojas also has an effect on your mental health. The crucial end-substance of the human digestive system births the ability to be compassionate, tranquil, creative, and peaceful. Thus, the holistic wellness approach advocates the importance of meditation and breathing exercises to empower your ojas for positive spiritual energy. If you’re calm and composed, the number of ojas in your body increases and strengthens your immune system.
How to Improve Ojas (Immunity)?
If you fall sick very often and have a hard time recovering from common colds and the flu, you may be lacking strong ojas and a healthy immune system. To enhance your immune system in the most natural ways, you must replenish your ojas. This can be done by consuming Immune-boosting foods and leading an Immune-boosting lifestyle.
Immune-boosting food
Ensure that your diet regimen is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins. Consume legumes and green vegetables every day alongside fruit salads and low-carb meals. You can also consume a hot cup of milk with some cardamom every night to improve your ojas. Another antidote for an enhanced immune system is soaked dates covered with pure ghee.
There are also many ayurvedic herbs that boost your immune system dynamically, however, ashwagandha, ginger and triphala are the top three, here’s why:
The adaptogen herb is known to increase your body’s disease resistance capacity. It aids the body to recover from fatigue. Ashwagandha also helps in effective stress management and strengthens your ojas. Consuming the herb for six to eight months can result in the optimal balancing of vata.
Widely used in herbal teas, this key ingredient is an effective ayurvedic component rich in anti-inflammatory properties that aid the body with dhipam – igniting the digestive fire and discarding the toxins present in the body. Ginger enhances your metabolism drastically and strengthens your body’s ability to fight illnesses. For improved Ojas, consume a cup of herbal ginger-lemon-honey tea every evening/morning and maintain a healthy digestive system.
This ayurvedic herb has crucial immunostimulatory effects on your immune system and body cells like cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells. It supports the generation of protective cells that are responsible for shielding your body against illnesses. It is used widely in the making of ayurvedic antidotes that facilitate immunological improvement.
Immune-boosting Lifestyle
In the realms of frenetic lifestyles, stressful deadlines and speedy schedules, it is almost impossible to maintain a sound timetable. However certain things are pivotal for a stronger immune system and healthier life, for instance, an effective sleeping pattern. It is imperative to get 8 hours of sleep for the optimal functioning of your body. You must also exercise and partake in meditation on a regular basis to keep anxiety and stress at bay. Ensure that you forge healthy relationships with individuals around you to unfurl mental stability and soundness.
Bottom line
The sub-component of kapha dosha, Ojas originates at the end of your digestion and plays a pivotal role in improving your immune system. Ensure that you consume healthy foods and maintain a healthy lifestyle for improved Ojas and a strengthened immune system.