Foods That Will help Control Your Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure, simply put, is the force with which your heart pushes blood against your artery. Normal blood pressure ranges at 120/80 and anything above that is considered to be a clear sign of high blood pressure. A rise in the blood pressure requires immediate consultation from the doctor and might lead to heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney failure in some rare cases.
So, how to control blood pressure? In this article, we will list foods that will help you regulate blood pressure.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and others can be powerful when fighting blood pressure rise. They are not only packed with vitamins, minerals and other plant compounds but also actively fight high blood pressure and reduce the risks of high blood pressure.
Lemon juice intake early in the morning can help lower your blood pressure significantly. Though it is advisable to consult your doctor before making diet alterations.
For a long time now, berries have been associated with an array of health benefits. They are a rich source of antioxidants, which give them the beautiful color and the healthy nutrition. They are known to reduce the amount of blood vessels restricting molecules.This in turn helps lower your blood pressure. Whether it is blueberries, raspberries, strawberries or any other berries – all have shown similar effects.
Dark Chocolate
What better a remedy than chocolate? This sweet indulgence may lower your blood pressure. A high quality bar that has above 70 percent cocoa, is an ideal choice in a fix like this. You must remember to consume no more than one square a day.
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera is one of the kindest gifts of mother nature. Aloe vera juice – extracted naturally – provides many health benefits. Whether it is relief from conditions like constipation, heartburn, or inflammation, controlling diabetes, and relieving high blood pressure. Start with having about 30 ml diluted in water daily. As per the American Heart Association, Aloe Vera can act as complementary therapy in your journey to fight blood pressure. By no means though can it act as a substitute for exercising, or healthy eating.
Wheatgrass Juice
Consuming wheatgrass juice regularly can impact your blood pressure in a positive way. The chlorophyll present in the plant, resonates with that of the hemoglobin present in the human body. This factor helps normalise your blood pressure. It also helps purify your blood and improve its circulation in the longer rain. The ideal way of starting wheatgrass juice is by diluting 30ml of the juice in a glass of water, and flavour according to your taste. This juice should be consumed twice daily to reap maximum benefits. Even BP Sure juice can help in blood pressure control.
Oats are rich in fiber called beta-glucan, which might reduce blood cholesterol levels. This can also help lower blood pressure. Start the day off with a bowl of your favorite oats. You can be as innovative as you want with this versatile ingredient! Replace rice flour with oat flour to make delicious healthy idlis! On the other hand, if you like a light lunch, you must try a special preparation of Khichdi with oats!
Lentils and Pulses
When looking for an excellent source of vegetarian protein, fiber and carbs – one must look towards lentil and other such pulses. A simple preparation of your favourite dal can work wonders for your blood pressure. Always remember eating right is part of the solution for any problem. Beans, peas and even chickpeas can easily be prepared and help greatly with blood pressure. Lentils are very versatile hence can be used to cook anything.
According to the American Heart Association, yoghurt has shown strong signs of reducing the risk of high blood pressure, and heart disease. Unlike regular yoghurt, unsweetened yoghurts like Greek yoghurts have many health benefits. Slice in your favourite fruits, nuts or seeds, and chomp away! You can also have yoghurt with a delicious snack on the side – for the perfect breakfast meal!
One cup of pomegranate juice consumed daily, can lower blood pressure in the short term. The researchers attributed this effect to the fruit’s antioxidant content.Whether you are someone who likes freshly peeled pomegranates or you’re more of a juice person – natural is the way to go! Pomegranates are also used as a delicious salad dressing. Rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals – this fruit is considered to be an essential part of a healthy diet, and is actively recommended by many medical professionals.
Cinnamon, a spice, widely used as an aromatic condiment and a flavouring agent in various cuisines – sweet, savoury, breakfast cereals, snackfoods, teas and the list could go on! Who can say no to warm oven-fresh cinnamon buns? It is only an added benefit that this delicious condiment can help lower blood pressure at least in the short run. Add cinnamon to your daily diet by just sprinkling some on your everyday meal! Talk about spicing things up!
Add Sodium in Your Diet
Even the smallest reduction of sodium from your diet can improve your mental health greatly and reduce blood pressure. In order to consume an adequate amount of sodium and not overdo it, you can follow these tips. Read every food label in the supermarket before you make a purchase. You can get your hands on low sodium products very easily. Did you know? Just one teaspoon of your household salt has almost as much as 23,000 mg of sodium. Replace your salt with natural herbs, to add flavour to your food. Lastly, don’t make any big changes to your diet, ease into it slowly.
Cut Back on Your Daily Caffeine Intake
If you are a regular coffee drinker, you might want to cut back on your caffeine intake. Research shows that in some cases, caffeine in your system can be directly related to your blood pressure levels. To see the effect of caffeine on your system, check your blood pressure thirty minutes after you have coffee.
In the end, remember that without good exercise, a complete diet and meditation, nothing is going to help in keeping you healthy.