Diabetes – Frequently Asked Questions

A common health condition faced by millions across the globe is diabetes. To date, diabetes has affected people from various walks of life. This includes kids and adults. Striking figures from health organizations are a matter of concern. Many have increased queries about this condition, its causes, symptoms, and a lot more. Today we are here to address the most commonly asked questions about diabetes. They will answer all your queries and help you with steps you can follow for a healthier life. Read on to acquaint yourself with Diabetes FAQs.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes, is a condition in which the pancreas’s ability to produce insulin is impaired. The hormone insulin is responsible for moving sugar in your bloodstream to the cells in your body for energy. An insulin imbalance hence causes a spike in blood sugar levels. High blood sugar further leads to other health issues.
What is the Difference Between Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes?
The major difference between the two diabetes, type 1, and type 2 is the production of insulin. When it comes to type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin. While in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas either produces insufficient insulin or is unable to use it properly.
What are the Causes of Diabetes?
Medical professionals are yet unsure about the exact cause of type 1 diabetes. It is ideally a result of the immune system attacking the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. In some cases, the genes can play a role as well.
Besides, the cause of type 2 diabetes is a combination of genes and lifestyle conditions. Factors such as being overweight or obese can be a reason. Extra weight in the belly makes the cells resistant to the effects of insulin. This condition can run in families and be passed on to generations further.
What are the Symptoms of Diabetes?
The symptoms of diabetes can be mild that makes it hard to detect. Some of the general symptoms are increased hunger or thirst, loss of weight, fatigue, slow healing of wounds, frequent urination, and tingling sensation in extremities.
Besides, there are other indicators for men and women. Men with diabetes may have a reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction (ED), and poor muscle strength. On the other hand, women with diabetes can show signs of urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and dry, itchy skin.
What is Borderline Diabetes? Do you need to medicate?
Also known as prediabetes, borderline diabetes refers to the condition that precedes diabetes. If the blood sugar level is less than 140 mg/dL, it is within normal. When it is above 200, it is diabetes. If it exceeds 140 and lies somewhere before 199, it is called borderline diabetes or prediabetes.
Symptoms of prediabetes are slightly similar to that of diabetes. This includes increased thirst, frequent urination, excess hunger, fatigue, blurred vision, and dark patches in certain parts of the body. You should constantly be on a watch out for any of these. Borderline diabetes might not need medication, but you have to take immediate action and alter your lifestyle and food habits. An important element here is that you have to lose some weight. It is advisable to visit your physician for a diet chart consisting of foods that do not have much glycaemic index. You can also resort to easy Ayurvedic home remedies for Diabetes.
Is Diabetes curable?
The definitive answer to that Diabetes FAQ is no. There’s no cure for diabetes yet. Medical professionals are working round the clock to find one. Although, diabetes can still be treated. In certain cases, it can also be reversed. While type 1 diabetics need constant medications, type 2 diabetics can keep it well under control with just proper diet, exercise, and by following simple Ayurvedic hacks.
How Can you Manage Diabetes?
As mentioned earlier though the condition does not have any cure yet, lifestyle changes can work well. To help you out, we have spilled a few.
Eat Healthy: What you feed your body is of extreme importance. Load up on your nutrition. You need to eat nutritious food in the right proportion. Fill your plate with veggies and fruits. Choose lean meats and non-fat dairy. Also, consider having ayurvedic juices such as Karela Jamun juice, Neem juice, etc. Avoid food that is rich in sugar. Carbs further turn into sugar, so you should watch your carb.
Exercise: Physical activity is an important factor for a healthy lifestyle. Excess weight can be a cause of type 2 diabetes. During exercise, your muscles use glucose (blood sugar) for energy. Physical activity also aids the use of insulin in the body. Strenuous workouts are more effective but even light activities can work well.
Reduce Alcohol: Drinking alcohol leads to signs of low blood sugar. The liver ideally releases stored sugar to counteract the drop in blood sugar levels. Although when the liver is busy metabolizing alcohol, your blood sugar level might not get the attention it requires from your liver. It is hence advisable to limit your alcohol consumption.
Stress Less: Stress can be of huge trouble. It may lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. Stress further has effects on your food, sleeping patterns, exercise, etc that can all affect your blood sugar levels. It is hence necessary to maintain overall health by keeping stress at bay. Indulge in your hobbies, meditate, take a walk, etc. Multiple stress busters can come a long way.
Bottom Line
While diabetes does not have a definite cure, minor lifestyle changes can come a long way in helping you out. Also, leveraging the power of Ayurveda is another important tip that can be of immense value. Health is our greatest wealth so let’s always zero in on keeping our health by following healthy practices!