Burn Calories with Garcinia!

Garcinia Indica’s role in weight loss is one of Ayurveda’s best-kept secrets. Popularly known as Kokum, it is the high content of the active compound hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in the peel of the fruit that is responsible for weight loss.
A small, pumpkin-shaped, greenish-yellow fruit, Garcinia Indica is generally not eaten raw owing to it super-sour taste, and is instead used in cooking. So how does HCA facilitate the burning of calories? Well, this compound prevents the storing of fats and curbs your appetite.
The struggle of losing weight is real, we understand. It doesn’t happen overnight, and even if you happen to successfully shed the kilos, there’s no guarantee that you wouldn’t gain them all back in no time. There’s no shortcut to success, and Kapiva is a firm believer of that principle.
One-week crash diets, one month at the gym or starving oneself – these are strategies some people follow for weight loss, yes, but they aren’t sustainable ones. All you need to do is tweak your lifestyle a wee bit, and your dream shape will be a ‘dream’ no longer.
Watch what you eat (of course you can even munch on those junks once in a while), devote half an hour to 45 minutes of your waking hours to some sort of an exercise – be it hardcore working out at the gym, dancing to your favorite party anthems, or playing your chosen outdoor sport. Most importantly, incorporate few simple rituals in your daily life, like Kapiva Get Slim Combo. It has been put together so you can Just Lose It – the unwanted, stubborn fat that is. The combo consists of Get Slim Juice and Garcinia Capsules.
Kapiva Get Slim Juice is a combination of 12 potent herbs that target stubborn body fat. The juice is a direct extraction of Flax Seeds and Castor which are age-old medicinal herbs aiding in weight loss. Consumption of this slimming juice is beneficial in stomach upsets, constipation and clearing out your digestive system. The inclusion of herbs like Erandmool, Daruharidra and San Beej gives the added edge to the juice.
Kapiva Garcinia Capsules contains Garcinia and other herbs that act as appetite suppressants.
30ml shots of the juice, followed by 1 capsule – getting into the habit of waking up to this, can take you a long way towards your weight loss goal.
Truth be told, if you’ve set your heart and mind on losing those calories, the journey isn’t really a difficult one. After all, you gotta lose some to gain some!